Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 20 – Sailing, I am Sailing

The boys and I slept in until 11am.  I hear that on weekends and school holidays that this is a regular wake up time for the boys, but I never wake up at this time of day, sometimes I might lay in but NEVER sleep til 11am.

We dawdled about for a while and then went up to the Windjammer Marketplace for lunch.  A huge buffet with HEAPS of variety and heaps of people, but we found a seat relatively easily.  At this point we have no idea where Sue and Peter are, but that’s Ok, we are fine hanging out.

After lunch we go our separate ways.  I grab my lap top and head off to a café which overlooks the mini golf, zip line, basketball court and wave riders to do some blog typing out in word so that I can just upload it when I have wifi again.  From my seat I see my nephews having a game of mini golf.  I am waving away at them with great vigour but they were so wrapped up in their own world they never even noticed the crazy lady waving at them.

At their spa a $99 special on offer for a hair wash and blow dry, facial and collagen eye treatment, an offer too good to pass up, so I was booked in for that at 5.30pm.  My stylist was a really tall Eastern European guy called Marco with a coif out of this world, his blow dry was excellent (on himself) and me, just what I wanted. Normally it is hit and miss with a stylist who is unfamiliar, but Marco hit the nail on the head.

Then I raced down stairs a level to meet the family in the theatre where we watched the Broadway show ‘CHICAGO’, it was very good.  Then it was time for yet another brilliant dinner.  After dinner Peter and Sue visited a few bars and music venues, I went off to bed.

Somehow on my day of doing absolutely nothing much at all, photo’s eluded me.

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