Friday, December 13, 2013

Start Spreading the News

2 and a bit years in the planning….
So here it is, the big trip is almost upon me.  I vividly remember the day my brother phoned me and asked me if I still had my USA Lonely Planet guide book from Allister’s & my USA trip in 2009.  I told Peter it had been left in a hotel room somewhere, but I swiftly gathered there could be a trip coming up.  Peter confirmed that he and Susan were thinking about taking their family to the USA for a holiday before Harrison starts the serious side of senior high school.  The seed was planted, momentum was gathering and only as I would, I invited myself along to crash their family holiday (sorry Sue!!)
This trip doesn’t just start and end with a family holiday.  Somehow, I have been fortunate enough to end up with 2 holidays in 1.   Part A, is the family holiday and Part B, is the girlfriends holiday. Yes, two of my dearest girlfriends from grade 1 primary school are meeting me for Part B.
Part A – Travel Companions (left to Right) Sue, Peter
Harrison 16 (Hazza/Harry), Nicholas 11 (Nick/Nicky) and Mackenzie 14 (Mac/Macka)
On December 17, 2013, we leave Perth for New York.  Let’s hope the Big Apple turns it on for us Geraldton country folk and gives us that elusive White Christmas we are looking for.  No matter what, it will be very different the soaring heat temperatures we are accustomed to at Christmas and we will be thinking of Mum & Dad and wondering what they are doing this Christmas. Yep, sadly we have abandoned them this Christmas L.  We are having 2 weeks together in NYC, we have lots planned, plenty to see, do and experience.  After the 2 weeks, the family heads off to Washington for 3 nights to see if Barrack & Michelle are home, they might get invited in for a beer maybe????  I stay in New York for those 3 nights and my dear friend Shelley, she flies in and we have 2 nights together in the Big App.  We also have a fair bit planned & crammed into that time.
After our 3 night Washington/New York split up, we all fly to Fort Lauderdale in Florida to meet up and join our week long Eastern Caribbean Cruise on the largest cruise ship in the world – Allure of the Seas.  Look, It’s probably not ideal to compare the two, but in the image below, you can see where the ill fated Titanic sits against the Oasis of the seas which is the Sister ship of ours and I believe shorter by a couple a foot or there abouts.
After our week of Caribbean Cruising, we jump ship and straight onto a plane, Las Vegas bound.
Once we hit Vegas, I leave the family and start Part B of the trip with my grade 1 primary school girls from 1977 (Kirta, also from grade 1 will be absent as she will be with her family, but she will be with us in spirit).
Left to right: Christine (Chris) Dobson, Me and Michelle (Shelley) Brown (for those of you who don’t know Chris and Shell are first cousins.  Shell and I lived 5 doors down from each other from 1978 to 1986 in Newhaven Street) and so here we all are, aged 42, and we're hitting the US of A together.
We have four nights together in Las Vegas, staying at the Aria Casino and Resort .  Then we head off to Honolulu for 8 nights where we will be staying at Outrigger: Waikiki on the Beach before heading back home to Australia.
 So my Christmas Present to you, is to give you daily updates of all our adventures and experiences (provided the tech Santa is with me and gives me good WIFI access, it is all I’ve asked for this Christmas) so that I can keep you in the loop as to what is going on in my jaunt across America.  So here is to safe travels and many fun experiences that I can share with you.

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