Monday, December 16, 2013

Finally, a bed confirmed for our first night in New York.

My family arrived yesterday afternoon and it was on, the land cruiser was unloaded and everything was placed on my living room floor. This is not even all of it, there is another pile and a half like this and my luggage to be added as well.

Those of you who know me have heard the long winded story of the New York apartment dramas.  Yes, the Duplex family have been ripped off not once but twice from fraudulent bastards renting their apartments and have left us homeless at the last hour.  I can't remember the first guys name, Adrian some one or another.  Second guy is the one who really stung us quite badly, I will name and shame him at a later date on my blog (so it will be on the web for all to see and hopefully heed my warnings). 
I was supposed to go to work today, but my manager nicely allowed me to take today as leave too, and just as well he did.  We only locked in some accommodation at 2pm this afternoon after spending the entire day on the hunt.  First night we are booked into a Hyatt hotel.  Nice reputable hotel, all should run smoothly and we will have lovely comfortable beds for a dreamy slumber.  We touched base with another apartment, we even Skyped with him and chatted for about half hour, so as the wonderful Kath Day-Night would say "Fingers and Toes Crossed" that this one works out for us.
Tomorrow is take off day, we stay over night in Sydney and then leave Australia on Wednesday. 
(I probably won't post again for a few days, next post will be after we have arrived in New York)

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